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Título del Trabajo: La demencia senil. Un acercamiento a su manejo y tratamiento.

Comentario: Digital marketing benefits

Cheaper Cost
The budget you need to spend on digital marketing is much cheaper than traditional marketing strategies. You don't have to print posters, or waste money on ineffective or targeted advertising.

There are several organic ways you can do this without having to spend a lot of money on advertising. For example, if you already have a website or blog using WordPress, you can try ways to increase web ranking on Google.

Improve Brand Reputation
Of course, with the increasing number of Internet users and online platforms, you can increase your brand's reputation through digital marketing. Most buyers will generally look for products or services first on the Internet before deciding to make a transaction.

By implementing digital marketing, your business will be easily found by potential customers, and they will feel confident that your brand can be trusted, which will ultimately increase your online income.

Digital Marketing Strategy: Explanation and Implementation
There are several digital marketing strategies that you can do to market products through digital media.

As we have explained above, the media used for digital marketing include communication channels that we encounter almost every day, both via the Internet and telephone networks.

Digital marketing has several strategies, depending on the media used. So, for now, the types of digital marketing strategies are:

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
This digital marketing strategy involves using search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, or Facebook. SEM itself is divided into two areas, namely SEO and PPC.

Search Engine Optimization
This method is done by optimizing your digital marketing content so that it appears on the first page of Google without having to pay advertising providers. For more details, please read our article about SEO and how to implement it.

Also read: The benefits of the sales tools system for small and medium businesses

Pay-per-Click (PPC)
Unlike SEO, PPC is done by paying a fee to advertising providers so that your digital marketing materials are always in the top results when potential customers search for certain keywords according to your product.

The results that appear from PPC usually have the label "Ad" or "Ads".

ghj ss a (2023-02-26)

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